National Indian Health Board Launches
COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center Website
Federal agency guidance, fact sheets and upcoming events available
WASHINGTON, DC—April 1, 2020—The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is pleased to launch its COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center website with tribally-specific Coronavirus-related developments, tools and information for Tribes. The website has COVID-19 community health and advocacy tools, fact sheets and information about congressional developments, federal agency and Tribal response plans. Tribal leaders, tribal health workers and administrators, tribal community members and advocates for tribal health policy are encouraged to visit the site and use and share the resources with their respective communities and networks.
“The Tribes told the National Indian Health Board that they needed more resource materials on Coronavirus and we listened. The NIHB COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center website is the place for Tribes and Tribal health authorities to gather resources to help educate and protect Native youth, elders and families,” said NIHB CEO Stacy A. Bohlen. “During this public health crisis, NIHB seeks to ensure that the Tribes remain informed on COVID-19 and have the resources and assistance needed to respond to the pandemic. The website will help bring awareness of the disease to tribal members.”
The COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center website has six main areas of information: Updates and Communications from NIHB and federal agencies; Community Health Tools section has fact sheets on vulnerable populations like elders and people with compromised immune systems;
Advocacy Tools has legislative alerts, letters to Congress and summaries on the COVID-19 relief funding packages; Tribal Response Plans shares Tribe-specific resources; Administration and Agency Responses has guidance and waivers from federal agencies; and a section on upcoming calls and webinars. Visit the website at: www.nihb.org/COVID-19.
In early March, NIHB responded to the growing concern about the COVID-19 outbreak and developed a survey to assess Tribal needs and resources. Through the survey results, NIHB learned that Tribes are seeking information on emergency preparedness and best practices for transmission prevention for community members and key risk groups. The survey also showed that Tribes are concerned about the shortage of personal protective equipment, hygiene products and staff shortages.
NIHB also partnered with its member organizations, like the Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP), to share expertise and information from Native physicians. AAIP members are contributing a blog every week for the Resource Center website that focuses on a series of topics related to COVID-19 through a Native physician’s lens. Some blog topics include traditional health, Coronavirus effects on Native youth and protections for vulnerable populations like pregnant mothers and Tribal citizens living with chronic illnesses, diabetes and cardio-vascular ailments.
The COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center website is part of the National Indian Health Board’s greater communication strategy to ensure Tribes are informed and engaged as this pandemic continues. In addition to the website, NIHB is hosting national calls and webinars for Tribal leaders to provide input and to gain information from key federal agency officials.
“Be assured that NIHB board members and staff are working for Tribes and tribal community members during the COVID-19 pandemic,” added Bohlen.
National Indian Health Board Mission Statement
Established by the Tribes to advocate as the united voice of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve the highest level of health and well-being for our People.
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