The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus testing data, showing results as of 7pm Eastern on March 31, 2020.
According to the data, a total of 3,670 people within the IHS system have been tested for the coronavirus. Of those, 210 have been positive for COVID-19, representing a big increase from the 174 cases previously reported.
Another 2,344 people have tested negative. Results from 1,116 tests are pending.
The Navajo Area continues to represent the bulk of COVID-19 cases. The IHS counts 134 cases of March 31, 2020. The Navajo Nation reports 174 — a higher number that is based on more recent data.
Most other regions appear to be holding steady with the exception of the Billings Area, which saw an increase from 4 cases to 9 positives.
“Data is reported from IHS, tribal, and urban Indian organization facilities, though reporting by tribal and urban programs is voluntary,” the IHS states on its website. “This is a rapidly evolving situation and the IHS will provide updated information as it becomes available and is verified.”
IHS Area | Tested | Positive | Negative |
Alaska | 346 | 2 | 156 |
Albuquerque | 140 | 4 | 68 |
Bemidji | 16 | 0 | 12 |
Billings | 282 | 9 | 179 |
California | 340 | 15 | 205 |
Great Plains | 104 | 4 | 88 |
Nashville | 61 | 1 | 41 |
Navajo | 1,452 | 134 | 1,058 |
Oklahoma City | 382 | 14 | 180 |
Phoenix | 142 | 11 | 93 |
Portland | 288 | 16 | 190 |
Tucson | 117 | 0 | 74 |
TOTAL | 3,670 | 210 | 2,344 |