Site icon COVID-19 in Indian Country

Crushing Colonialism

At Crushing Colonialism we’re very concerned for our Indigenous relatives under the COVID-19 pandemic. As of March 30that 5:05 PM EDT Indian Country Today reported that there are 170 confirmed cases within the Indian Health Service and 7 deaths so far. These numbers continue to climb and could be higher though as the test kits and lab facilities to process tests are virtually unavailable for IHS and tribal-run health centers.

Indigenous people were already in the midst of a crisis before this pandemic. We suffer devastatingly high rates of houselessness, poverty, food insecurity, and many of our tribal lands and relatives lack basic infrastructure such as clean, running water, telecommunications, roads, and healthcare. These realities make us particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 yet the non-Indigenous media has barely reported on this. We’re hosting Coronavirus & Colonization, An Indigenous Media Round Table to discuss these issues and bring awareness.

Join us this Thursday, April 2nd, from 6:30-8:00 PM EST on Zoom and Facebook, as myself, Jourdan Bennett-Begaye (Indian Country Today), Johnnie Jae (A Tribe Called Geek), and Desiree Kane (Pollen Nation Magazine) discuss how COVID-19 is impacting our people. You can also call and listen in if you’re unable to join via video. Instructions are below.

Crushing Colonialism has also created a living document on our website with resources to help support our freelance and creative workers who have been hit hard financially due to canceled events and performances. We’ll continue to update the list as we learn of more resources.

In solidarity!


Jen Deerinwater 
Founding Executive Director 
Crushing Colonialism


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