Site icon COVID-19 in Indian Country

Pueblo of Laguna (New Mexico)

03/27/2020 21:15 MDT

In an effort to keep you informed of the COVID-19 situation as it pertains to the Pueblo, it is our duty to advise the community that there is now a positive case of COVID-19 within ACL Service Unit area.

As of today, the State of New Mexico has a total of 191 positive cases of COVID-19.There are currently 2 in Cibola County and only one is confirmed to be in Acoma-Canoncito-Laguna Service Unit area.

This does not change the precautions we have already put in place. Please continue to practice good and frequent hand washing, sneeze or cough into your elbow, clean frequently touched surfaces, and please avoid crowds larger than 5.

Do not leave your home unless you absolutely need to get groceries, or emergent medical care. As long as you continue to take the proper precautions that have been advised in the past few weeks, and take care of yourself and your family there is nothing to worry about.

Don’t forget to check our website for information at


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