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Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes (Alaska)


March 17, 2020

Tlingit & Haida’s 85th Annual Tribal Assembly Postponed

JUNEAU, AK (March 17, 2020) – Under its constitutional authority, Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska’s (Tlingit & Haida) Executive Council met and voted to postpone the 85th Annual Tribal Assembly considering the evolving pandemic. The Tribal Assembly, which was scheduled to take place April 22-24, 2020 in Juneau, Alaska, will be rescheduled to a later date yet to be determined.

Article VII(1)(o) of the Tlingit & Haida’s Constitution provides the authority for the Tribe’s governing body to enact resolutions, regulations, and statutes to safeguard and promote the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Tribe in conformance with applicable tribal or federal law. The decision of the Executive Council was adopted through resolution EC 20-11, entitled “Postponement of 85th Annual Tribal Assembly.”

In a memo sent to Delegates, President Peterson outlined several items that addressed resolutions, elections and deadlines. Delegate elections will conclude on March 19, 2020; however, newly elected Delegates are not seated until Tribal Assembly. Therefore, the Delegates that were sworn in 2018, will remain in office until the newly elected Delegates are sworn in at 85th Annual Tribal Assembly.

“This is a precautionary measure taken by the Executive Council to protect the health and safety of our Delegates, tribal citizens, staff and communities,” shared President Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson in an email to Delegates. “We appreciate your grace as we navigate these uncharted territories.”

This year’s Tribal Assembly was to include the election of Tlingit & Haida’s President, Vice Presidents, Chief Justice, Associate Justice and Emerging Leader. With the postponement, President Peterson and the current Executive Council will remain the governing body of the Tribe until Tribal Assembly convenes, and Delegates have the opportunity to vote.

The Office of the President will release revised deadlines for resolutions and elections once a new date for Tribal Assembly has been identified.

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