Inupiats want anti-ANWR funding stopped
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Kaktovik Inupiat Corp., a village corporation representing the Inupiat Eskimo community that supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, wants funding to an anti-development group stopped.

KIC President Fenton Rexford has written letters to several groups, asking them to to stop contributing to the Alaska Wilderness League. Rexford says the groups might have to pay tax penalties because of AWL's efforts to lobby against drilling.

KIC has asked the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the league. The league responds that Rexford and the Inupiats are just using it as excuse to get back at the Gwich'in Nation, who oppose oil and gas development.

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Native group seeks halt to AWL funding (The Anchorage Daily News 2/28)

Relevant Links:
Alaska Wilderness League -
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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