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The Week in Review
ending October 13
Woman collects food dropped by U.S. airplines in northeastern Afghanistan. Photo AFP.
Afghan woman collects packets
of food dropped by U.S. airplanes.
Photo © AFP.
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Trust fund progress questioned
After stalling for a month, the Department of Interior finally turned in a trust fund status report, the contents of which painted a bleak portrait of a fix owed to at least 300,000 American Indians throughout the country.

According to the report and numerous documents submitted to a federal court, critical projects have reached a critical stage and are in great danger of failing. There are serious doubts about the quality of information being presented, the government's top-level trust fund official warned Secretary Gale Norton.

Added to the mix was an "intimidating" order coming from Norton's top legal official, said senior managers. The managers refused at least twice to adhere to Solicitor Bill Myer's push to have them verify the quality of information in the status report.

Get the Story:
Trust fund fix risking 'failure' (10/10)
Memo: Solicitor's order was 'intimidating' (10/10)
In The Hoop: Interior Bungling (10/10)
Trust fund progress testing 'credibility' (10/11)

America attacks Afghanistan
The United States and Great Britain retaliated against the Taliban and Osama bin Laden with military strikes in Afghanistan this week, a month after September 11's deadly terrorist attacks.

With support from nations throughout the world, the United States repeatedly hit Taliban strongholds and bin Laden's terrorist camps and hideouts in an attempt to bring those responsible for the tragedies to justice. Although bin Laden remains elusive, Bush was proclaiming great success by the end of the week as numerous targets have been destroyed.

Get the Story:
Bush: Taliban to 'pay a price' (10/7)
U.S., Britain launch attack on Afghanistan (10/8)
Second day of attacks underway (10/8)
Update: Strikes on Afghanistan (10/9)
Anti-Tailban campaign cited successful (10/10)
Bush: Flush bin Laden 'out of his cave' (10/12)
Tribal groups seek help against Taliban (10/10)

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