
Editorial: Norton's ANWR video


In an editorial today, The Denver Post says it's all right that Secretary of Interior Gale Norton distributed a video created by a pro-drilling lobbying group.

She was only trying to encourage balanced coverage of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the paper writes. "She is refusing to be handcuffed by those who oppose a particular public policy choice," the paper writes.

The paper doesn't offer a view on its own coverage on the issue has been balanced.

The 40-second video in question was created by Arctic Power, a lobbying group which gets most of its money from the Alaska Legislature.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Both sides of ANWR (The Denver Post 4/17)

Related Documents:
Markey Letter to Norton; Norton Letter to News Organizations

Watch ANWR Presentations:
Video | Flash

Relevant Links:
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Willdife Service -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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