COMMENTARY: The Trust Fund
SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 A commentary by The Scripps Howard News Service praises US District Judge Royce Lamberth in Washington, DC, for his stance on the Individual Indian Money (IIM) trust fund lawsuit against the federal government. It also criticizes the Clinton administration for not responding to the issue. "Who in America does not know of the government's history of inhumanity to Indians, and the miserable living conditions of many Indians in this country today?" asks the commentary. "The Clinton administration, which usually prides itself on trying to serve the least fortunate among us, is hiding out on this issue." Government lawyers on Tuesday appealed a ruling last December which required them to be more accountable to more than 300,000 IIM account holders. Get the Story:
Commentary: Taking to task government mistreatment of Indians (Scripps Howard News Service 9/7) Get recent trust fund rulings:
Opinion: Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law (US District Court 12/99) - History of the case up to December.
Memorandum and Order (US District Court 12/99) - Lamberth denies plaintiff's motion to remove system from government.
Recommendation & Report of the Special Master (US District Court 12/99) - Reviews history of contempt charges and document destruction by the Department of Treasury. Related Stories:
Trust fund update (Tribal Law 08/07)Relevant Links:
US District Court, District of Columbia
Trust Management Improvement Project, BIA -
The Native American Rights Fund -
Financial Management - BIA's Tribal Trust Fund Account Reconciliation Results, GAO Report
Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians - Only on Indianz.Com: