
Whaling protester sentenced


Erin Abbott was sentenced on Friday to perform 120 hours of community service for interfering with the Makah whale hunt in April.

Charged with violating the 500-yard moving exclusionary zone (MEZ) around the hunt, Abbott could have faced up to six years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Abbott charged her boat in front of a group of Makah hunters who were attempting to harpoon a whale. The group failed and Abbott was subsequently run over by a Coast Guard boat who was on the water to protect the hunters.

Abbott had her shoulder broken in the incident, which was broadcast on television. Her lawyers said they will file a civil lawsuit against the Coast Guard.

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The Makah Nation:

Only on Indianz.Com:
Lies. Deceit. Fabrication. Paul Watson and the SSCS: An Indianz.Com True Internet Story. (Smoke Signals 1999)