
Tohono O'odham elder dies


Pablo Lewis, a Tohono O'odham Nation man who served in the Army but later found out he was not a United States citizen, died on Tuesday in Arizona of a massive stroke. He was 73.

Lewis was featured in a book that details the fight the tribe has made to obtain citizenship for tribal members. Although many were born in the United States, they do not have the documentation to prove it.

Some of the tribe's members also live in Mexico. The Border Patrol is supposed to allow free crossing for tribal members but have cracked down in recent years.

The tribe is pushing a bill in Congress to grant citizenship to all tribal members.

Get the Story:
O'odham in citizenship campaign dies (The Arizona Daily Star 8/29)

Get the Bill:
To clarify the citizenship eligibility for certain members of the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona, and for other purposes (H.R.1502)

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O'odham citizenship bill pushed (6/29)
O'odham delegation on way to D.C. (5/31)
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Citizenship for Mexican O'odham sought (1/12)