
Osage leader gets TV time

NOVEMBER 29, 2000

Charles Tillman, Chairman of the Osage Nation of Oklahoma, got a bit of TV time on Tuesday night, appearing on the CBS news program 60 Minutes II.

The program aired a report on the family fued between Bill and Charles Koch of Koch Industries fame. A jury said the company cheated the government and tribal members out of oil royalties after Bill Koch filed a whistle blower lawsuit.

But unlike Bill Koch, Tillman isn't suing Koch for lost money. Instead, he is suing the Department of Interior and the Bureau of Indian Affairs for $2.5 billion, alleging mismanagment of oil and gas royalties.

Related Stories:
Family fued hits TV screens (The Talking Circle 11/28)
Koch ready to settle oil suit (Enviro 10/27)
Oil royalty case settled (Enviro 10/25)
Judge upholds Indian oil ruling (Tribal Law 07/12)

Relevant Links:
The Osage Nation of Oklahoma -
Koch Industries -
The False Claims Act -
The Qui Tam (False Claims) Online Network -