Cost of Columbus Day topping $100,000
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2001 Columbus Day is costing the city of Denver, Colorado, more than $100,000. An estimated $40,000 was spent on a Columbus Day march which drew a reported 40 walkers. That would be $10,000 per participant. A larger counter-event organized by Indian activists and others is estimated to have cost $70,000 in police security and overtime. Transform Columbus Day took place over the weekend and was considered a success. No arrests were made this year. Last year, more than 140 were arrested. Get the Story:
Forty march on Columbus Day (The Denver Post 10/9)
Diversity colors Columbus rally (The Denver Post 10/7)
Anti-Columbus Day rally draws about 1,500 protesters at Colorado state capitol (AP 10/6) Relevant Links:
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