
Teen admits shooting at Lakota girls


A white teenager in South Dakota has been taken into custody for shooting a gun at several members of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe's girls basketball team.

The incident occurred after the team played a game in Miller on November 1. During the game, spectators and others heard racial taunts and slurs shouted against the girls.

Those continued after the game and an altercation occurred between a group of males and five members of the team and a 20-year-old woman who was with the girls. During the brouhaha, gunshots were fired at the girls' car but no one was hurt.

A teen-ager was taken in for questioning and authorities recovered the gun allegedly used in the shootout. Tribal leaders are calling for attempted murder and hate crimes charges.

Get the Story:
Tribe: Racial tension led to post-game shots (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 11/10)
South Dakota racial dispute threatens teens (Indian Country Today 11/10)