
Begay to play in tribal benefit

JANUARY 30, 2001

Navajo / Isleta Pueblo golfer Notah Begay on Thursday will participate in a nine-hole exhibitition game to benefit Pro Kid's Golf Academy, a non-profit California organization that helps inner city kids get off the streets and onto the green.

Joining Begay will be several members of the Barona Band of Mission Indians. The event takes place at the tribe's new golf course and Chairman Clifford LaChappa expressed pride in having the only Native American on the PGA tour play on their land.

"It is symbolic of how far our people have come over the past century, that none of our ancestors would ever have imagined this possible," said LaChappa. "Not only is Notah a great golfer, he has had a tremendous impact on the sport and on society at a very young age, especially to our tribal youth who really look up to him and all that he has accomplished."

For each birdie scored by Begay, the tribe's golf club will donate $1,500 to the Pro Kid's Golf Academy. Should he shoot under par, the golf club will double their donation.