Enron / Andersen hearings start today
THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2002 Two Congressional committees are holding hearings today on the Enron / Arthur Andersen debacle. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce, chaired by Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.), hearing focuses on the document destruction that occurred by auditor Arthur Andersen. Witnesses are four top executives but lead auditor David B. Duncan, who was fired last week, plans to invoke his 5th Amendment right not to incriminate himself. The hearing, which is before the full committee, starts at 9:30 a.m and a link to the RealAudio feed will be available about 10 minutes prior. The committee's web site contains copies of a number of Andersen internal documents and memos. The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, chaired by Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), is focusing on regulatory issues surrounding the collapse of Enron, which filed for the largest bankruptcy in history. Witnesses are government securities experts and policy analysts. The hearing begins at 10 a.m. CapitolHearings.Org has an audio feed while the committee will have a video broadcast. Last night, Enron chairman Ken Lay, who will appear before a Senate committee on February 4, resigned amid pressure from creditors, board members and multiple investigations. He will stay on the company's board. Listen to Hearings:
House Energy and Commerce Committee | Audio: Senate Governmental Affairs Committee | Video: Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Get the Story:
Enron Chief Quits as Hearings Open (The Washington Post 1/24)
Fired Auditor's Memo Says He Warned Enron (The Washington Post 1/24)
Army Secretary Says He Lost Money Selling Enron Stock (The Washington Post 1/24)
Doing a Number On Reforms (The Washington Post 1/24)
Calling Inquiries a Distraction, Enron Chief Quits Under Pressure (The New York Times 1/24)
Wide Effort Seen in Shredding Data on Enron's Audits (The New York Times 1/24)
Hurdles are Seen for Audit Changes (The New York Times 1/24)
Just How Deep Are the Pockets at Andersen? (The New York Times 1/24)
Morale and Occupancy Are Low at the Headquarters in Houston (The New York Times 1/24)
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