
U.S. delaying potential military strike


The Bush administration is delaying a potential military strike against suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden in order to collection more information about his operation in Afghanistan, officials said on Wednesday.

In the meantime, President Bush is shoring up international support for a prolonged battle against terrorism. He asked Chechnya rebels to cut ties to international terrorists like bin Laden's al-Qaeda group that have provided weapons and support for their fight against the Russian government.

The call reflects changes in U.S. foreign policy. Previously, the U.S. had criticized Russia for its human rights abuses in Chechnya.

Once called a country of concern, the U.S. is reaching out to Uzbekistan. The Air Force wants its planes grounded in the country, which borders Afghanistan.

The U.S. is also pushing for an alliance of anti-Taliban forces, including dissidents, in Afghanistan.

Get the Story:
Military Strike Not Imminent, Officials Say (The Washington Post 9/27)
Foreign Policy's 'Pivotal Moment' (The Washington Post 9/27)
Amid War Talk, Bush Aims for 'Normal' (The Washington Post 9/27)
U.S. Says Military Strikes Are Just a Part of Big Plan (The New York Times 9/27)
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