
A first for Native Hawaiians

APRIL 5, 2001

A number of changes came with the Census 2000, including the ability for Native Hawaiians in the Unided States to identify themselves as such for the first time.

The action, say Native Hawaiians, will enable better federal funding for education, health, and social services. Although Native Hawaiians do not currently have a government-to-government relationship with the United States, Congress has long legislated Hawaiian affairs much like Indian affairs.

A bill that would federally recognize Native Hawaiians was introduced last year. It quickly passed the House but failed to make it out of the Senate.

Hawaiian Senators Daniel Inuoye (D) and Danial Akaka (D) have re-introduced the bill. Both are also members of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

Get the Story:
The 2000 Census: They're Hawaiian -- and proud of it (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 4/5)

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