
Bush meets with religious leaders

MARCH 20, 2001

President George W. Bush and on Monday met with 15 African-American religious leaders in part to drum up support for his controversial faith-based initiative.

The initiative aims to allow federal agencies to fund religous groups who do social work directly. Critics say it will blur the line between church and state, dilute religious activity, and fund discriminatory organizations.

But Bush and John J. DiIulio Jr., director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, are saying African-American and Hispanic communities are very receptive to the plan. DiIuluio has also said mostly white, non-urban ministries are wrongly attacking the initiative.

In announcing or discussing the plan, The White House has not reached out to any organization with significant ties to Indian Country or any Indian faith-based organizations such as White Bison, Inc.

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Black Religious Leaders Hear Bush's Call (The Washington Post 3/20)

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