
Tribal Schools on Priority List

FEBRUARY 16, 2001

In January the Interior Department under former Secretary Bruce Babbitt and former Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin Gover added seven tribal schools to the Education Facilities Replacement Construction Priority List.

The list is composed of schools most in need of repair, construction, or replacement by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Funding appropriated by Congress is directed at these schools ahead of others.

The schools, in order of ranking, are:

1. Tuba City Boarding School
2. Second Mesa Day School
3. Zia Day School
4. Baca/Thoreau (Dlo'ay Azhi) Consolidated Community School
5. Lummi Tribal School
6. Wingate Elementary School
7. Polacca Day School
8. Holbrook Dormitory
9. Santa Fe Indian School
10. Ojibwa Indian School
11. Conehatta Elementary School
12. Paschal Sherman Indian School
13. Kayenta Boarding School
14. Tiospa Zina Tribal School
15. Wide Ruins Community School
16. Low Mountain Boarding School
17. St. Francis Indian School
18. Turtle Mountain High School
19. Mescalero Apache School
20. Enemy Swim Day School

President George W. Bush has promised $928 million to fix tribal schools. Of the amount, he said $126 million would go to replace the top six schools on the list.

In the fiscal year 2001 budget, Congress last fall allocated $300 million for tribal school repair.

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