
New York Times erases N.M.


New Mexicans are used to it. Can I see your green card? How close do you live to Acapulco? I just love that tequilla you guys make. Oh, by the way, you speak English very well!

Often mistaken for hailing from Mexico, New Mexicans and their state are often treated as if they don't belong to the United States. The New York Times apparently thought so, and in Monday's edition printed a map of the Southwest that mysteriouly erased New Mexico from existence.

Instead, the map-makers gave the state to neighbor Arizona. The map accompanied a story about Texas ranchers and anthrax.

A correction ran in yesterday's paper noting the mistake. A copy of the offending map could not be located on the paper's web site.

Get the Story:
N.Y. Times Anthrax Map Leaves Out N.M. (The Albuquerque Journal 10/31)
Anthrax Hides Along Cattle Trails of the Old West (The New York Times 10/29)
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