
Anti-Tailban campaign cited successful


Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other Pentagon officials on Tuesday said about 85 percent of Taliban and terrorist targets in Afghanistan have been damaged or destroyed by U.S.-led forces.

The next step, they indicated, would be ground troops and other forces aimed at the Taliban and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. Risky helicopter raids, reports The New York Times, are being prepared to strike targets that would now appear to have been weakened by three continuous days of air assaults.

News agencies report more attacks today, targeting Kundahar, alternatively described as the military and spiritual center of the Taliban. The Taliban continues to report that civilians have died.

Rumsfeld yesterday said he had no indicated four United Nations workers were killed by American bombs or missiles.

Get the Story:
U.S. Controls Skies, Hunts New Targets And Offers Support to Taliban's Foes (The Washington Post 10/10)
U.S. Bombing Said to Destroy Afghan Camps (The New York Times 10/10)
In Next Phase of Attacks, an Emphasis on Helicopter Strikes (The New York Times 10/10)
U.S. Pounds Afghan Targets for the 4th Straight Day (The New York Times 10/10)
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