Enron whistleblower goes to Congress
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2002 Enron's version of Dom Nessi testified before a House subcommittee on Thursday, saying resigned chairman Ken Lay was duped by former executives whom she alleged no one was strong enough to confront. Sherron S. Watkins testified for more than four hours and was welcomed by lawmakers as the people's savior. The attitude was markedly different when Lay and ex-executives Jeffrey K. Skilling and Andrew S. Fastow went before Congress and were slammed for not talking and slammed when they didn't. Senate Democrats are planning on introducing numerous reforms in response to the collapse of Enron, the largest bankruptcy in history. Get the Story:
Enron Chairman Wasn't to Blame, Hill Told (The Washington Post 2/15)
Senate Democrats Set an Agenda on Enron (The Washington Post 2/15)
Enron Official Says Many Knew About Shaky Company Finances (The New York Times 2/15)
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Watkins' Testimony to Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee (2/14) Relevant Links:
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