
Mescalero leader defends new election


Sara Misquez, President of the Mescalero Apache Nation of New Mexico, on Thursday defended her tribe's decision to hold a new election after the results of the previous one put her out of office.

Misquez was beaten in a November 6 election by Mark Chino, son of late leader Wendell Chino. But the Mescalero tribal council subsequently voided the election, leaving Misquez in power.

Chino has accused her of political trickery and was supported by a petition of tribal members calling for the election to be upheld. The petition was rejected, though, because Misquez said it wasn't certified by Tribal Secretary Sandra Platero before it was passed around.

A new election has been set for January 9.

Get the Story:
Mescalero Leader Says Petition Flawed (The Albuquerque Journal 12/7)

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