
Torres-Martinez bill passes House

SEPTEMBER 19, 2000

The Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Settlement Act passed the House on Monday unanimously.

The bill is designed to compensate the Cahuilla tribe for having 11,800 acres of its land covered by the Salton Sea. The bill would pay the tribe $14 million in damages, $10 million from the federal government and $2 million each from the Imperial Irrigation District and Coachella Valley Water District.

It would also allows the tribe to purchase up to 640 acres of land for economic development purposes. The Cabazon Band of Mission Indians had previously opposed this portion of the bill, but are now supporting the act, due to some concessions made between the two tribes.

The tribe says the bill provides them with a greater chance for independence.

Get the Bill:
To provide for the settlement of issues and claims related to the trust lands of the Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, and for other purposes (HR 4663)

Get the Story:
House passes bill to replace lost tribal land (The Palm Spring Desert Sun 9/19)
Torres-Martinez applaud move toward independence (The Palm Spring Desert Sun 9/19)

Related Stories:
Cabazon drop opposition to bill (Tribal Law 07/27)
Tribes talk settlement (Tribal Law 07/18)
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Bill would compensate Cahuilla (Tribal Law 06/14)