
Supreme Court won't stop execution


Even with three Justices recused, the Supreme Court on Monday refused to stop the execution of a Texas man scheduled to die on Wednesday.

On a 3-3 vote, the Court denied a stay for Napoleon Beazley. He was convicted of killing the father of a federal judge.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and David Souter recused themselves because of ties to the judge's son, J. Michael Luttig. Luttig sits on the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.

Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer voted to stop the execution. hief Justice William Rehnquist, and Justices Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor voted against.

The Court may decide to review Beazley's case overall.

Get the Story:
Supreme Court refuses to stop execution of killer after three justices remove themselves (AP 8/14)
3 Justices Abstain as High Court Declines to Halt Texas Execution (The New York Times 8/14)
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