
Towns discuss Pequots with Congressman

der=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%> Towns discuss Pequots with Congressman
MAY 18, 2000

Three Connecticut towns weren't able to meet with President Clinton due to his busy schedule but Senator Christopher J. Dodd (D Conn) met with town leaders on Wednesday to discuss their issues with the Pequot tribes of Connecticut.

The towns of Ledyard, North Stonington and Preston want Congress to look into allegations that they were misled in enacting the 1983 Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Act, which granted the tribe federal recognition and defined the borders of their reservation.

The towns also oppose the federal recognition of the Eastern Pequot and Paucatuck Eastern Pequot tribes. The two tribes received preliminary federal recognition from the BIA in March.

After a book signing in Mystic this past Saturday, author Jeff Benedict met with State Representative Robert Simmmons, who hopes to win the upcoming Congressional race against Sam Gejdenson, who helped push the Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Act through Congress.

Get the Story:
Officials from 3 towns meet with Dodd on tribal recognition, settlement issues (The New London Day 5/18)
Chairman criticizes towns' forum (Tribal Law 5/18)
Book may stir issues in race for Congress (The New London Day 5/18)
Towns to hold anti-Pequot forum (Tribal Law 5/17)
Clinton too busy for towns (The Talking Circle 5/17)

Only on Indianz.Com:
Read our review of Jeff Benedict's Without Reservation. May 5, 2000
Tribal Law Focus: Federal Recognition.

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