
Little Shell ask for extension

OCTOBER 30, 2000

The Little Shell Chippewa of Montana have asked the Department of Interior for a six-month extension on their federal recognition petition.

The tribe received preliminary recognition in July. Like two Pequot tribes in Connecticut who received positive recommendations, the Little Shell petition did not meet all seven mandatory criteria of the federal recognition guidelines.

The tribe says it wants the extension to strengthen their petition. In the preliminary finding, the BIA recommends the tribe get more supporting evidence to fill in the gaps before a final determination is made.

The comment period is set to end in January 2001. The Spokesman Review does not report if the Interior has come to a decision on the tribe's request.

Get the Proposed Finding:
Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgment of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana (BIA July 2000)

Get the Story:
Little Shell Tribe's recognition bid slowed (The Spokesman Review 10/30)

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