Tough border policy rejects Mexicans
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2001 Even though the Immigration and Naturalization Service does not have machines to read new laser visa cards, hundreds of Mexican nationals without them were turned away at the U.S. border on Monday. The cards are required by law and contain extra security features. But without machines, INS border agents at some crossing points have to inspect them by hand, rendering the new features useless. Congress is considering a request by the State Department to grant an extension to the policy. Congress is also considering a bill to make all members of the Tohono O'odham Nation American citizens. Some members lack documentation to prove their citizenship but are supposed to have free access across the border. Recent tightening of the border has affected tribal members. Get the Story:
Mexicans Lacking New IDs Turned Back at U.S. Border (AP 10/2) Get the Bill:
To clarify the citizenship eligibility for certain members of the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona, and for other purposes (H.R.1502) Related Stories:
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