
Negotiations begin on racism conference

TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2001

Delegates from more than 100 nations on Monday began negotiations on the upcoming United Nations World Conference Against Racism.

The United States is threatening to boycott the conference if two issues are discussed: Zionism as racism and slavery reparations for African nations. Secretary of State Colin Powell says these are regional issues which will hinder the global nature of the conference.

Agreeing with the US, Mary Robinson, UN high commissioner for human rights, said the Zionism issue should not be on the agenda. Ten years ago, the UN revoked a resolution which Arab countries sought equating Zionism with racism.

The conference takes place in South Africa at the end of August. Senator Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska) has told Alaska Natives to be wary of attending.

Get the Story:
U.N. Human Rights Head Warns Against Bringing Up Zionism Issue (AP 7/31)

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World Conference Against Racism, UN -

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