
In The Hoop
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2002

Welcome to In The Hoop, Indianz.Com's occasional column about assorted Indian issues.

In The Hoop: The Scorecard
Is it Friday already? That means it's time for the weekly list of the movers and shakers in Indian Country and beyond.

The Winners
Tribal Lobbyists - Your coveted rules are getting finalized. But will Auntie Gale let them pass? Time to solicit more money rather than risk rejection.

Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb - You may be slow but at least you're the only one!

The Gila River Tribe - Sure, an opportunity to host a mega-million stadium was lost but did you really want to be known as home to the Cardinals? Keep walking...

The Hoopa Valley Tribe - Congratulations on the Supreme Court turning away a challenge to your authority. A victory for everyone.

The Losers
Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb - Less tasks, more force!

Deputy Secretary J. Steven Griles - Release my people, you tell a federal judge with Moses-like projection. They might be released from their jobs instead.

Minerals Management Service - So much for all the "trust reform" projects all those quarterly reports claim you fixed.

The Cowlitz Tribe - Sure you are recognized but you won't be getting a red cent for the years of waiting.

In The Middle
The Klamath Tribes - Will you get back your terminated land? Or will you be forced to sign some "memorandum" of "understanding" allowing you to pick berries.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle - Oops, forgot about that nuclear waste law. But your efforts on behalf of Indian Country could make up for it.

Indian Country - Just when one consultation ends, another will start We hope all tribal leaders have frequent flier plans.

Western Shoshone Tribes - So much activity in Washington, D.C., this week! Let's hope it does some good.

In Your Hoop
Who were your winners and losers? Email In the Hoop and let us know.

Previous In The Hoops
Mar. 21 | Mar. 20 | Mar. 19 | Mar. 18 | Mar. 15 | Mar. 14 | Mar. 13 | Mar. 12 | Mar. 11 | Mar. 8 | Mar. 7 | Mar. 1 | Feb. 28 | Feb. 27 | Feb. 22 | Feb. 21 | Feb. 20 | Feb. 15 | Feb. 13 | Feb. 8 | Feb. 6 | Feb. 1 | Jan. 30 | Jan. 29 | Jan. 25 | Jan. 24 | Jan. 18 | Jan. 17 | Jan. 16 | Jan. 15 | Jan. 11 | Jan. 10 | Jan. 9 | Jan. 7 | Dec. 21 | Dec. 18 | Dec. 14 | Dec. 13 | Dec. 12 | Dec. 11 | Dec. 7 | Dec. 6 | Dec. 4 | Dec. 3 | Nov. 30 | Nov. 27 | Nov. 21 | Nov. 20 | Nov. 16 | Nov. 13 | Nov. 9 | Nov. 8 | Nov. 7 | Nov. 6 | Nov. 2 | Nov. 1 | Oct. 31 | Oct. 30 | Oct. 26 | Oct. 24 | Oct. 23 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 17 | Oct. 16 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 10 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 3 | Oct. 2 | Sep. 27 | Sep. 26 | Sep. 10 | Sep. 7 | Sep. 6 | Sep. 4 | Aug. 31 | Aug. 24 | Aug. 23 | Aug. 22 | Aug. 21 | Aug. 17 | Aug. 16 | Aug. 14 | Aug. 10 | Aug. 7 | Aug. 6 | Aug. 3 | Aug. 2 | Jul. 31 | Jul. 27 | Jul. 27: Code Talkers | Jul. 20 | Jul. 13 | Jul. 11 | Jul. 10 | Jul. 6 | Jun. 28 | Jun. 27 | Jun. 22 | Jun. 20 | Jun. 19 | Jun. 15 | Jun. 14 | Jun. 8 | Jun. 6 | Jun. 5 | Jun. 1 | May 30 | May 24 | May 23 | May 16 | May 11 | May 8 | May 7 | May 2 | May 1 | Apr. 30 | Apr. 25 | Apr. 24 | Apr. 23 | Apr. 20 | Apr. 19