
Greater slaughter of bison feared

FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2002

A provision in the farm bill under debate in the Senate could lead to the slaughter of more bison in Yellowstone National Park, according to critics.

The measure would grant greater authority to the Department of Agriculture to manage diseases such as brucellosis. As a result, National Park Service officials and environmentalists say this will give the department and the state of Montana greater license to kill bison.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) introduced the provision but his spokesperson told The New York Times it was an oversight.

Under a plan finalized during the Clinton administration and signed by former Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt, wildlife officials in Montana are allowed to kill bison that wander out of the park. The state Department of Livestock said yesterday 21 would be slaughtered for testing positive for brucellosis.

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Diseased bison ordered killed (AP 4/19)
Farm Bill Could Mean Killing of Sick Bison in Yellowstone (The New York Times 4/19)
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Relevant Links:
Yellowstone National Park -
Honor the Earth -
The Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative -
Montana Department of Livestock -

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