
Goshute factions don't want help

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2002

Eight private companies hoping to store nuclear waste on Skull Valley Goshute Reservation of Utah have not given the tribe $1.4 million, a spokesperson said.

But Sue Martin of Private Fuel Storage (PFS) and tribal officials won't disclose the real amount of money. Their silence has raised the concern of tribal members who don't support the storage facility and state officials whose lawsuit against the Bureau of Indian Affairs to disclose how much has been spent failed.

According to Gov. Mike Leavitt and media reports, the $1.4 million figure came from a PFS representative during a public meeting. Martin says she was at the meeting and no such comment was made.

Whatever the amount, feuding factions of the tiny, 127-member tribe don't want outside assistance in resolving their dispute over the tribe's leadership. Current chairman Leon Bear and rival Marlinda Moon have rejected offers by the BIA and the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board to settle the issue.

Meanwhile, the FBI is reportedly investigating how the money is being spent and has subpoenaed tribal leaders to turn over internal tribal documents.

Get the Story:
Goshutes Reject Mediator, Feuding leaders snub election offer by BIA (The Salt Lake Tribune 3/18)
Leavitt Welcomes FBI Probe of Goshute Deal (The Salt Lake Tribune 3/16)

Relevant Links:
Utah Office of High Level Nuclear Waste Opposition -
Private Fuel Storage Facility Application, Nuclear Regulatory Commission -
Private Fuel Storage -
The Skull Valley Goshutes -

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