
Fla. tribe happy with court ruling


The Miccosukee Tribe of Florida is pleased with last week's federal appeals court ruling on the Everglades, a tribal spokesperson told The South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

The tribe and an environmental group sued to force a local water district obtain a federal permit to operate pumps that send polluted water into the Everglades. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the tribe and said the district had to comply with the Clean Water Act.

Get the Story:
Pumps protecting West Broward from flooding illegally pollute Everglades (The South Florida Sun-Sentinel 2/5)

Get the Decision:
MICCOSUKEE TRIBE OF INDIANS OF FLORIDA v. S. FLORIDA WATER MGMT. DIST., No. 00-15703 (11th Cir. February 01, 2002)

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