
Fate of Refuge may lie with Bush

DECEMBER 15, 2000

Now that George W. Bush is set to become President, the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge may soon lie in this hands.

Bush has supported opening up the refuge to development as part of his national energy policy. Opening up the refuge would affect various Alaska Natives, some of whom support Bush because they stand to gain economically.

Others Natives and environmentalists are strongly opposed. Vice President Al Gore opposed development in the refuge.

President Bill Clinton may declare the refuge a national monument before he leaves office.

Get the Story:
Bush presidency could signal shift in fight over Arctic refuge (AP 12/15)

Related Stories:
Refuge status on hold (Enviro 12/04)
Development of refuge urged (Enviro 11/02)
Protection of Alaska refuge urged (Enviro 11/1)

Relevant Links:
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, US Fish and Wildlife Service -
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -