
Campbell changes Ute bill

NOVEMBER 1, 2000

Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell has modified the water rights settlement bill of Colorado Ute Tribes, requiring them to spend more money on non-Indians.

The bill settles the water rights of the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute Tribes and provides some $40 million to them. Cambpbell recently amended the bill to require that three-quarters of the $40 million be spent in cooperation with non-Indian communities.

But the tribes say they aren't opposed to the changes.

The settlement bill has been held up in Congress because it also includes the Animas-LaPlata project. First authorized in 1968, the $334 million project has met resistance in the House.

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Relevant Links:
The Animas-La Plata Project -
Congressional Testimony, Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement -