
Tribe fights mine

OCTOBER 25, 2000

The Hopi Tribe of Arizona is asking the Department of Interior to limit mining of its land by Peabody Coal, saying a mine is taking away groundwater from the tribe and the Navajo Nation.

According to a report from the National Resources Defense Council, the mine is drawing away billions of gallons groundwater from an aquifer in Black Mesa. They NRDC says reports from the US Geological Survey confirm their conclusions, but Peabody Coal disagrees.

Both tribes have willingly entered into leases with Peabody Coal to have the company operate mines on their land. The company provides significant revenues to both tribes.

The Navajo Nation is suing Peabody Coal for $600 million in lost royalties.

Read the Report:
Groundwater Mining on Black Mesa (NRDC October 2000)

Get the Story:
Tribes at odds with mine (The Arizona Republic 10/25)
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Relevant Links:
The National Resources Defense Council -
The Peabody Group -