
Sand Creek bill approved by Committee

SEPTEMBER 21, 2000

On Wednesday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved legislation that would create a national historic site to commemorate the location of the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre.

Last week, the Committee held a hearing on the bill, which is proposed by Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo). Campbell read from two recenly discovered letters about the massacre, tearfully recalling some of the horrors inflicted on a group of Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children.

Get the Bill:
A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish the Sand Creek Massacre Historic Site in the State of Colorado (S.2950)

Read the Letters:
Sand Creek Letter 1 (December 19, 1864)
Sand Creek Letter 2 (December 14, 1864)

Related Stories:
Massacre focus of law, letters(Indian U. 9/15)
Runners commemorate Sand Creek (Indian U. 08/03)
Campbell wants massacre memorial (Indian U. 7/28)

Relevant Links:
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
The National Park Service, Sand Creek Massacre Project Study -
The Sand Creek Massacre Site -
Senator Campbell -