
Crow scouts have long history

JUNE 21, 2001

Six Crow Nation scouts were enlisted to help Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer fight the Indian wars, a legacy which continues in the stories and traditions of their descendants.

Crow and Arikara warriors sided with the US Army because they believed it would help them battle their historic Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho allies. The Crow scouts volunteered to help Custer, who lost the June 25, 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn.

Custer died, but the scouts didn't. They became celebrities of sorts, which caused conflicts among their families due to differences in their recollection of events.

Get the Story:
Custer and Little Bighorn defined future of the Crow (The Billings Gazette 6/21)

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Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument -

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