BIA holding consultation meetings on education
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2003 The Bureau of Indian Affairs today published notice of a series of consultation meetings to take comments on potential changes in Indian Education Programs. The meetings will take place August 12-20 in 11 locations across the country. Issues discussed will be outlined in a booklet to be published by the BIA but include the Office of Facility Management and Construction's proposed revision of the Student Enrollment Projection process, the proposed revision of the Education Space Guidelines used in School Construction planning, the Office of Indian Education Programs' possible realignment of the Education Line Offices, The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), section 1121(d), School Consolidation and Closure, section 1122, National Criteria for Home Living Standards, section 1125, discussion regarding whether to use the existing Negotiated Rulemaking Committee or establish a separate Negotiated Rulemaking Committee for Facilities Construction regulations. Written comments are also being taken. Get the Notice:
Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Consultation on Indian Education Topics (July 11, 2003) Relevant Links:
Office of Indian Education Programs, BIA -
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