
Affirmative action case worries tribal advocates

MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2003

If the Supreme Court limits the use of race in college admission, tribal advocates say it will have an impact on Indian Country.

A ruling against affirmative action could prevent Native Americans from become doctors or lawyers. Advocates also say tribes would have trouble luring qualified professions to work on reservations.

A ruling on the University of Michigan's affirmative action policies is expected this month. Three white students say they were unfairly denied admission to the school based only on their race.

Get the Story:
American Indians fear less legal help from their peers (The Detroit News 6/16)

Oral Arguments:
MP3: Excerpt | Transcript: Grutter v. Bollinger | Transcript: Gratz v. Bollinger | Real Audio: Both Hearings

Amicus Briefs:
Tribes in Michigan and Wisconsin | U-Mich minority student law associations | New Mexico minority bar associations

Relevant Documents:
Supreme Court Docket Sheet No. 02-241 | Brief: Grutter | Brief: University of Michigan | Brief: Department of Justice

Holdings Below:
Appeals Court: GRUTTER v. BOLLINGER, No. 01-1447, 01-1516 (May 14, 2002) | District Court: GRUTTER v. BOLLINGER (March 27, 2001)

Relevant Links:
University of Michigan, Admissions site -
Center for Individual Rights -

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