
First Nations tax ruling headed to Supreme Court

FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2003

First Nations leaders are planning to take their first over tax-free status to Canada's Supreme Court.

A lower court ruling, issued Wednesday, refuted claims that Treaty 8 tribes were exempt from paying any federal taxes. Although the treaty didn't explicitly mention the subject, Aboriginals provided oral evidence that they were promised tax-free status on and off the reserve.

Get the Story:
Native leaders vow to continue fighting for tax exemption (CBC 6/12)

Get the Decision:
Canada v. Benoit (June 11, 2003)

Lower Court Decisions:
Stay and Order (4/26) | Benoit v. Canada (3/7)

Relevant Links:
Treaty 8 -

Related Stories:
Can. appeals court overturns Native tax victory (6/12)
Canada appeals tax-free status of Natives (11/19)
Appeals court halts tax-free ruling for Natives (05/06)
Alberta bands win tax case (3/8)