Can. lawmaker calls for termination of First Nations
MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2003 First Nations leaders in Saskatchewan, Canada, are upset with a lawmaker who wants to terminate their federal status and rights. In a pamphlet, Jim Pankiw, a Parliament member representing Saskatoon-Humboldt, called for repeal of the Indian act, an end to the tax-free status of reserve Aboriginals and an end to affirmative action and treaty rights. Aboriginal leaders said they will file a complaint against Pankiw for distributing the pamphlet. Pankiw has been critical of Native leaders in recent months, calling for a hate crimes investigation into the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations. He plans to run for mayor of Saskatoon, where racial tensions have flared over police brutality against Aboriginals. Get the Story:
Pankiw pamphlet calls for repeal of Indian Act (CBC 6/6) Relevant Links:
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