
Lummi Tribe can banish members for drug offenses

MONDAY, MAY 19, 2003

Confronted with rising numbers of babies born addicted to drugs, youth suicide and sexual assaults, the Lummi Tribe of Washington is taking a get-tough approach to drug problems on the reservation.

Any tribal member convicted of selling drugs can be banished. The banished member will lose all hunting, fishing, health and other benefits.

Tribal leaders instituted the policy last year and have yet to banish anyone. But that changes this week when two tribal members who were convicted of selling drugs will be considered for removal.

One of them is John Jefferson. "It would break my spirit," he told The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "Like I was not an Indian. Deep down it would hurt."

Get the Story:
Drug dealers face banishment (The Seattle Post-Intelligencer 5/19)

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