
Some tribes concerned about Indian energy bill


Some tribes are concerned about an Indian energy bill introduced by Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado), The Denver Post reports.

Robert Gough of the Intertribal Council on Utility Policy said the bill, which limits federal oversight of Indian Country development, could also limit the federal trust relationship. David Lester, executive director of the Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT), said it could lead to lawsuits and manipulation by non-Indians.

Campbell's bill will be considered today by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The business meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in SD-366. A live audio feed is available at

Get the Story:
Campbell seeks more drilling on Indian land (The Denver Post 4/29)

Relevant Documents:
Summary of Indian Energy Title III | Indian Energy Title III

Relevant Links:
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee -
Council of Energy Resource Tribes -

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