
BIA takeover of police force praised, criticized

MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2003

The Bureau of Indian Affairs took over the police department of the Blackfeet Nation of Montana in February, following a BIA investigation that found widespread mismanagement.

The takeover has been welcomed by many tribal residents. They say the old police force, fired and replaced by 32 new officers, was subject to political interference.

Blackfeet leaders are less happy with the change. While acknowledging problems, they were upset with the surprise takeover, which occurred overnight.

The tribe was operating the department through a self-determination contract. Other tribes, including the Omaha of Nebraska, the Shoshone-Bannock of Idaho and the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone of Nevada, have been cited by BIA as having similar problems.

Get the Story:
BIA officers calm unruly Browning (AP 4/14)
Blackfeet gauge BIA takeover (The Great Falls Tribune 4/14)

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