
Readers offer condolences, prayers, support


Ed. Note: Indianz.Com can be reached at -- your e-mails will be sent to the Piestewa family. Cards and letters can be mailed to Percy Piestewa, P.O. Box 957, Tuba City, AZ 86045. Flower and other items can also be mailed, care of, to the Tuba City Unified School District, P.O. Box 67, Tuba City, AZ 86045. UPS or FedEx accepted at School District address.

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Warrior Woman is now our Ancestor
She takes her place among the stars
behind she leaves her family
on their souls there will be scars
Warrior Woman of Indian Nation
left her blood on foreign land
She made the ultimate sacrifice
as she made her final stand
That she was the first Woman Warrior
to die in this current war
is no surprise to Indian People
Indian People know, her sacrifice was more
She is telling this mighty Nation
that we are more than just your past
we are Ever Living Warriors
for this country we pray, we fast
We are stronger in our Numbers
in the Armed Forces you believe in
than any other Race of people
this country was conceived in
Do you see we are not an Image
do you see we are not dead?
do you see we give our best to you
we are more than what history said?
In Her Name we call to you
let her death be one of learning
as the prayers for her cross your lips
can your respect be, Her Nations earning
Lori Ann Piestewa we honor you
in prayer and sacred fire
we pray for your children
may they feel what you inspire
For your family and your tribe
we pray To All Relation
Thank you Warrior Woman
for your sacrifice to this Nation

To Lori's Family:

May the Lord give you understanding and bestow peace and love to you, while you go through this difficult time. Lori is in a place where love reigns! Someday, we will all be there with her. Until then, let us all live our lives honorably and strive to be worthy of her sacrifice.

Belinda, Akimel O'otham (Pima)

Hopi Warrior Woman
by Lydia Whirlwind Soldier

sung her journey song
prancing on her red roan
followed her warrior spirit
to the blowing sand and storm
she went with earth thunder
scattering cornmeal and pollen
looking to the sky, she sung her
earth songs and rain songs

tears glisten on cottonwood
leaves, each like a clan
whispering dry sage brush
and turtle shell rattle sing her spirit song
bird nations, hawk, dove, swallow,
golden eagle and mockingbird
circle in the wind, sing for her
sing her warrior song

dark and bright night fires
and brother Wren guide her
through the purple mountains
and painted desert, to each mesa
no longer traveling alone, joyously
cloud shadows. thunder songs
welcome her home, Warrior, now
one with the gentle swirling snow
spirit reflections in the clouds
welcome her home

Big Beautiful Shining Star
My heart totally broke on Friday night April 4th, when I answered my telephone and my son Lyle was crying, he had just received the terrible news of Lori. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Thank You Lori for your courage, you will never be forgotten. You will always be that big beautiful shinning star the world will see every night.

May God bless all of you during this time of sadness.

Mil and Family
From Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico

We and I may be speaking out of turn, would like to send our payers to you and yours from the Native Peoples in Va. at aPow-Wow on Sat. April 5, 2003, we paid Honor to your Loved One Lost to us in Battle and we stood Proud of what she did for us and our families. I too have a son in the war so I send Prays from him. Mado and Blessings be abundant to you all.


American War Mothers
Dear Family,

I send warm thoughts to you. The whole country mourns and grieves with you. May Wahkontda stay with you throughout these days and through your whole life.

I am State President of a federally chartered organization called American War Mothers. War Mothers are mothers of sons and daughters who are enlisted in active duty or who are veterans. Some of our mothers have children who are currently serving in Iraqi Freedom War and when we lose one such as Lori, we lose our child.

My local Chapter is Gray Horse American War Mothers Chapter #15 based in Fairfax, Oklahoma, and the state chapter is Oklahoma State Chapter of American War Mothers. We try to serve and support our children in as many ways as we all can think of and I regret that we have not done much in the way of preventing war and its destruction. I pray Wahkontda will have mercy and ease your pain.


She Will be Missed
My condolences go out to the family of Lori. Thank you for your daughter's heroic efforts in serving our country. I salute my Native Sister and wish her a peaceful journey to the other side. She will be missed by many here in Indian Country. Our tears are plenty and it brings moisture to a land of beauty, the Hopi Land.

Thank you again, Lori, for making us proud. We love you.

Jeanette Long, Desert Storm Veteran
Tucson, AZ

A True American
We suffer a great loss to our Native People. But Lori had great courage and showed true bravery. Her death will not be invane. She is a great hero in our time. She'll always will be remembered. She stood up to being a true American. And her greatest challenge in life was answering the call to serve her country. She will make a better tomorrow for our native people. We are the brave and the strong and forever we will stand proud.

Thank you Lori for your great courage. There are a lot of people who are very proud of you. You will not be forgotten.

God Bless The Family of Lori. You are the greatest hero's of them all. You are luck to have a brave daughter like Lori. I wish you all the best of life.

Your sister in Christ,
Debbie Jean Charles

Proud to be Native
Hello my native people. I'm from the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation. I would like to send my prayers out to the troops who are fighting for our country. My prayers go out to the Piestewa family. Keep strong and shed no more tears as I know Lori is still with you all. Through the great spirits Maheo (god) is keeping her in all of the native peoples hearts. She was brave and honorable to fight for our country. I would just like to send my prayers and respect out to the families with loved ones in there and i know they will alwayz be safe and will return home soon.


N.C. Angel.