
Letters of Support for Lori Piestewa and family


Ed. Note: These are some notes of support for Lori Piestewa, the Hopi soldier missing in action in Iraq, her family and others serving in the military. If you have any words of support, you can send them to

From Jeremy: My deepest concern to the family of my native sister. Although I'm not in the military, I'm one of many warriors who wishes he could do something to bring her home. But since I can't, I take comfort in knowing how strong our native women are. That same strength runs through the veins of Lori. Regardless of the outcome, I know she has represented us well...I'm proud...and continue to hope. Come home soon!!
From Lori Anglado: My heart goes out to Lori's family. I'm praying for her. I've ordered a POW/MIA bracelet to wear with Lori's name on it. We share a name and I want to keep her in my thoughts at all times.

God Bless Lori...and her children.
From NPBrown, Dineh from Shiprock, N.M.: As you wait, we wait you cry, we also you pray for your daughter's return to this sacred land , we also pray for her safe return....your our anguish....your daughter is our daughter....your love for our love for her....your thoughts of our thoughts of as mother and father...are our mother and father....your words of our strength....your songs of also, our songs for hope....may your family be blessed with her safe return....for she is our special child of the mesas.
From Richad, Eastern Abenaki nation: Jes' want you know that my wife and I are doing drum journeys for Lori Piestewa and encouraging our animal allies to aid and comfort her. Our prayers and hearts go out to her.
From the First-Raised Family in Oregon: We send our prayers to the Piestewa family and the families of all Native American troops for a safe return. We hope and pray that by the grace of the Creator, that you and your fellow soldiers will be brought home safely. We also pray for strength and courage for you and your family. Do not worry about Lori, the Creator is with her 24/7 and will give her the strength she needs to get through this. Ho Mita kwe asin
From Rosie in Nevada: My prayers and good thoughts of Lori's safe return home go out to the community of Tuba City, her family and friends. May the creator keep her safe.
From Dottie Honahni-Ventura on behalf of the Ventura and Honahni family of Moenkopi: I wish I could be with you and your family, holding you in my arms and providing what little comfort allowed; but I know that you're getting a lot of that from Moenkopi and Tuba City residents. My son Vandell and my nephew DuWayne Jr. were also Cadets of Tuba City ROTC; and how proud I was when I would see them in uniform, marching down Central in TC and directing traffic at the TC Fair. On many occasions, I saw Lori marching and holding her head strong. I am proud of our children and I know that their dream was to join the armed forces and be a part of supporting our nation, our people and be a proud warrior. Lori is proud, strong and courageous. She'll be marching home real soon. Have peace and faith, and remember that you and your family are all in our daily prayers.
From Cheryl Windy Boy, Francisco Yera & Marci Buckman We are praying for the safe return of Lori Piestewa to return home to her two (2) children and her family. The Creator is watching over her. We consider her a hero. Our prayers are with her and her family. May God Bless all of you.
From the Daniels Family, Long Plain First Nation, Manitoba, Canada: Our family is praying for your safe return. We have been taught to respect and honor veterans and soldiers like yourself, Lori, and we appreciate and understand the unselfish sacrifice that you are undertaking as a warrior. May the Great Spirit watch over you, Lori, your children, your parents, and your family and all other MIA servicemen. We have been watching the T.V. and reading the news like everyone ealse, hoping and praying for your safe return. First Nations, Native Americans from both sides of the border are praying for your return home.
From Randy Phelan & family, Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation, Mandaree ND Council Representative : We wish to send our prayers to the family of Lori, she is a fine example of courage and strength to all Native Americans. We pray for her safe return and health in this time of need. May the Creator watch over her and give her strength. As one nation to another our prayers are with each of you. Aho.
From Delphine Tsinajinnie, Navajo, Canyon Records: Ya'at'eeh Shinanita'i (Honorable salutation for soldiers) Pfc Piestewa:

Although my heart cries and my mind stiffles with fear for you, I find insurmountable strength in your courage! I'll see you at home, WARRIOR. -- From Mustangland
From Eve Benson and daughters: Our prayers are with you Lori Anne and your family. We hope and pray that by the grace of God, that you and your comrades will be brought home safely. We also pray for strength and courage for you and your family. It feels like we know you so well and now think of you as one of our own. Many prayers and thoughts from the states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Washington, as well as, the BIA employees from Aberdeen South Dakota. May the Lord wrap his loving arms around all of you and keep you safe...

Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit) is always there for and will be there for Lori and her family.
From the Limpy Family, Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Montana: Our family would like to send our prayers to the Piestewa Family, as well as all Native Americans serving our country. And you Lori, are already a hero to our people & nation.
From Ms. Gutierrez and Family, Santa Clara Pueblo: We would like to send our thoughts and prayers to the Piestewa family. May you stay strong through this difficult time.
From Karen: i would like to extend my hopes & prayers for the piestewa family, i too have a 19year old son who is in the persian gulf aboard the uus higgins (navy)he is pima/eskimo we live in barrow, alaska (i am from gila river)i can feel & understand what the family must go thru as i watch the news & think about the war & how much it effects us all. thru prayer & friends we can all make it thru this, we should be proud of all our armed forces who brave this thru & our prayers go to all of them,espically to the families, espically to your family at this time of lori's mia. the lord bless your family for strenth & comfort.
From Curtis: May the Great Spirit look over that land and find Lori and other missing persons. Lori is in our minds and prayers. We pray for her and her family. The Northern Utes from Ft. Duchesne, Utah.
From Pre Leverance, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin: Please know that our prayers and good thoughts are with Lori; our son (Marine) is also serving. I am Oneida from Wisconsin and support all efforts of the troops everywhere. These highly-respected warriors are giving unselfishly of themselves for their families and their true homeland. Bless you.
From Doug Byrd, Statesville, North Carolina: I'm not an Indian but I am a human and no one is pulling harder for Lori than I am. We can only hope that this war will end soon so that we can do whatever is necessary to get her back to her home,her people and her country.
From Milidred: Our family prays for her each day as well as the other men and women who fight for us over there. I am from Oklahoma and it seems that the news of Lori has brought Indian country together, closer. Which is how it should always be, not just in time of sadness. I pray for strength for the family and friends and ALL concerned. My heart goes out to you as a mother and grandmother. Bless all of you!
From The Begay family, in Chinle, Arizona: We would like to extend our most deepest condolence. We are all praying for your daughter Lorei's safe return and her friends that are missing in action. We want you to know the world is praying, chanting and offering other spiritual strengths to you the Piestewa family.
From Jenni, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin: My family and I send our prayers to Lori and her family. We pray every day because my brother is also over there in the Persian Gulf with the Air Force. Like Lori he is a parent also to two children and will be a daddy again in June. We have to keep holding the faith for our warriors, and pray for this to end soon, so that we may have all military personnel back with their families.
From LJ: I work for the Ft McDowell tribe and we has a prayer virgil where we offered prayers in Yavapai,from our elected leaders, from different faiths, from soldiers, from friends, and from other Indian tribes, and those who are not Indian and care.... Know there is yellow ballons flying here. Daily I pass houses with yellow ballons for Lori, Yavapai soldiers, Indian soldiers, and all U.S. soldiers as well. Lori is in our prayers and thoughts.
From Norma: Our prayers go out to Lori and her family from the Northwest, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe in Washington State. We are all praying here for her return to her family. Our support goes to our troops over there too. Thank you!
From Adrian, Lumbee Tribe, North Carolina: just wanted to send my condolences and good thoughts to the family of lori piestewa. she is in the thoughts, prayers, and hearts of indian people all across this nation and continent. i pray that she returns to you safely. she will return home. do not lose hope. the creator has a plan for her and for your family. to all my relations,
From Mauricia Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico: On behalf of the Pueblo of Santa Clara, I would like to send my regards to the family and friends of Lori Piestewa. Please stay strong and don't give up hope for the creator will guild Lori home. She is in the hands of the creator and will be protected. All in the 507th Maintance Crew are in our thoughts and prayers may they return safe.

From Nick, U.S. Army (retired), Hopi tribal member: I have been "Praying" for Lori's return along with all of our other MIA servicemembers to return home safely and quickly! My late Uncle's were from Upper Village of Moencopi, Stephen Albert, and Walter Albert! Many of my relatives (Tobacco Clan) are also from this area and I know they are with your family in support of her return! Take care, she will come back!
From Diane Mamalaki-Montoya: The staff of the New Mexico Office of Indian Affairs sends their prayers to Lori and her family during this extremely difficult time.
From Asani Charles, Chickasaw Nation: We are all praying for Lori's safe return and your peace of mind in the mean time. May the Creator bless you all with an extra portion of strength and endurance.
From Lois in Las Vegas: I would like to extend my most sincerest prayers of hope, love and contentment to the family of Lori Piestewa, it isn't easy to come up with comforting words to give to Lori and her family at this time but it is what I have to offer at this time. I can't imagine in my wildest dreams what it must be like to be in your situation (Lori), wherever you may be, but I want you to know that the world is praying, chanting, smudging and offering other spiritual strengths to you and your family. You are special, Lori, you are Native American and you have shown yourself to be a great warrior as well as soldier, our people need someone positive in the nation to look up to and you are that someone, so with that I offer you and your family my gratitude for your sacrifices for a better tomorrow. Lori, your spirit will forever be with us irregardless of the path you must now walk. May God Bless the Piestewa family.
From anonymous: May the Lord , Jesus Christ, protect and guide your daughter with courage , faith , and light until she is safely returned home again!!! Prayer is the answer. May the family be strong in faith, hope and love to fill and guide their daughter home!!! Amen. Our prayers are with you.
From M. Warrington, College of Menominee Nation: I know that nothing in this world can ease your pain. Just know that we will all have a heavy heart until we know that your Lori is home. Members of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin are praying for your family.
From LaVada Howlingwater: This message is to let you know that I and my family have been praying for Lori's safety. Last night I attended a sweat here where we live in Oklahoma and everyone in the sweat prayed for Lori and the family members. I cannot imagine what you as family, are going through at this time. I just felt the need to let you know that I feel for you and that both, you the family members and especially Lori are in my prayers.
From the Pipestone Singers: on the behalf of our drum , the pipestone singers pray that lori returns home to her home and native soil in a safe good way and we pray for her family to keep hope strong. this has to be a tough time for them so are support is here however we can offer it.i am sure things will be ok if we all pray hard enough , so lets pray and get this woman home to her family soon.
From Christine Hewitt, Burnley, Lancs, England: I am sending my thoughts and prayers to Lori and her family that she may be returned safely. My heart goes out to all the soldiers and their families both here and in the United States and pray that this conflict will end soon and peace will be restored.
From Gary Phillips, United States Marine Corps (1975-1978), Wisconsin Wazijaci Ho-Chunk: I just want the family to know that all of us out here that are former Native American servicepeople are glued to our T.V sets, and to your hearts.

Personally, your vigil has brought this "action" closer to home than anything else could. Please remember that God will always bless and keep you.
From the Allen Family in Gilbert, Arizona: My husband and i would like to offer you and your family our deepest condolences. your daughter makes us proud to be on her side. Proud to be an American.
From From Neil, Kerrie and Family in Australia: We send our thoughts and prayers to Lori Peistewa's family that she is found safe and unharmed.
From Dee-Anna Griffith & Family, Ft. Worth, Texas: My hopes and prayers are with you. I know the Good Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle. My family is praying for you and for Lori, that she will come home soon. I am so grateful that she and others are willing to serve and protect this great country we live in. Please don't forget what a great thing she is doing for us and for others by serving. She is truly already a hero in our eyes. Again, may God Bless you and her family and stay strong.
From Valerie Roach in Los Angeles, California: Thank you for giving the ultimate gift to this country, which was allowing your daughter to serve in our military. The ways of your daughter will serve her well as she works to find her way back to you.
From L.Gashwazra, Sr. & Family, Greasewood Clan, Old Oraibi, Arizona: My family and I have been keeping up with the news hoping and praying that Lori will be found soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with her children and family as they go through this ordeal. May our Heavenly Father be watching over her and keeping her safe.
From The Spielman's: My family's prayers go out to Lori's family. I was stationed at Ft. Bliss for a short time in 1975, before I went to Germany. I kind of know what you are going through as I had friends who served in Viet Nam. I know that these few words won't stop your worrying but know that the Great Spirit will watch over her. We will continue to send our prayers for Lori.
From Krayna Alfredl: To Ms. Piestewa: I am Eulalia "Leia" Claw's daughter, Krayna Alfredl. My mother and I are sad to hear about your daughter, Lori. She is in our hopes and prayers. My mother send her regards.
From Aaron: I want to put my thoughts and prayers out to Lori's family and friends. I don't know her. But I do know someone who does. And I can see the effects of her missing within my friend. I am also a soldier and I do believe that with her training in the military, and her learning experience from her life, she will make it out ok. I am not a native but I am trying my best to understand the ways of "the people". I do beleive with all the support behind her and the strength in which she has gained througout her life she will be home soon.
From Byron at the Southern Ute Tribe, Colorado: From where the sun sits today, being with family members I wish to extend our sincere thoughts and prayers to Ms. Piestewa and here family during these heart clenching times. We pray for her safe wellbeing, we pray she come back to her family in one spirit safely. We pray to turn things over to our higher power to keep our mind, body and spirit strong. To the Family of Ms. Lori Piestewa thank you for your daughters dedication and warrior spirit to protect all our familys safe. People have to forget the political issues, persons that protest have taken the idea of Freedom for granted. Yesterday, Today and soon that their are young native american warriors proud to serve for their familys. WE pray for leaders to help them see through the smoke, make a quick sound decisions. Thank you for the oppurtunity to express myself.
From Paul: We have been praying for Lori and her family. Tonight we will be in ceremony asking the Manitous to be with her and give her a safe journey home to her people. We will also pray for peace so that the tragic loss of life for all Nations can be brought to an end. Please, take some comfort in knowing we do care. Howah
From Ted Silverhand: Lori,roll with the punches,you are one of us.Remenber you come from good strong stock
From Thinkon908: Our prayers are with Lori. May god give her courage. And may her captors show her mercy.
From a Wyoming mother: I would just like to express my prayers and regards to the family of Army private, Lori Piestewa. I read about the latest news on those soldiers captured from the 507th Maintenance Company out of Ft. Bliss, Texas. It really made me feel like I had to send my comments, because, I have a daughter deployed from Ft. Bliss, TX. Her deployment was in the latter part of February. She is enrolled in the Northern Arapaho Tribe from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. PFC Kateri Warren Betts is her name. So, I pray for all military personnel serving our country at this time and send my regards to the Piestewa family in Arizona.
From Lila in Canada: Our thoughts are with Lori, all the other members of her unit, and all those who may be in harm's way.

Know that a drum prayer song will be sent out this evening for all those who are in need of our love and prayers.

Wasauksing, Ontario, Canada
From jacksta on the message board: I am worried about Lori. She is in my thoughts and my prayers.
From Bella on the message board: I hope for Lori Piestewa's safe return home.
From ndn218 on the message board: I'm putting my tobacco out for her until we hear some concrete news.
From Glenda in Shawnee, Oklahoma: I have a daughter the same age as Lori, who had signed on with the US Marine Corp. She blew her knee out and had to have major surgery which kept her from going in... I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through but please know that Lori as well as our others, are in our thoughts and prayers...
From Nadine on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, Northern California: Prayers, Hopes and all our Support for our Sister Lori and her Family! As a Mother, Sister and Daughter I burn sage for you all!
From darlene: Will keep you and your loved ones in my smudges.
From John Burnette and Family, Rosebud Reservation, Mission, South Dakota: To Lori and Family, Words can not express the Respect and Graditude we carry in our hearts for you. We feel the Lord will bring you home safe. All our prayers are with you and your family.
From Homer Wiggins in Virginia: I am praying to Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha to watch over Lori and pray that she may be strong as well as her family and all of us who want her and all the troops to be clear of harm's way. Support our troops----SEND THEM HOME!!!!!!
From K. Gachupin of Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, via Maryland: When I heard the news about Lori, I felt that I had to send a note. I have been thinking about her a lot and praying she is alright. She is a brave young woman and I acknowledge her for that. My thoughts and prayers to the Piestewa family as well as the 507th Maintenance crew. I pray for their safe return home. God bless...
The Turtle Mountain Community College, Turtle Mountain Reservation, North Dakota, hosts a page of tribal members in the military. Visit the Operation Iraqi Freedom page.
The American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma is running a "Support our Troops" program from its web site. Visit to send your letters, care packages and special requests.
Related Stories:
Vigil held in Ariz. for missing Hopi soldier (3/27)
Hopi Tribe prays for return of missing soldier (3/26)
Piestewa Family Letter: Thank you for prayers (3/26)