
Second man sought in murder of Anna Mae Aquash


Update: Authorities are looking for a second man, identified as John Graham, also known as John Boy Patton, in connection with Aquash's death, the Associated Press reports. He is reported to be living in Canada's Yukon Territory. An elderly woman living in western Nebraska in an assisted living center is a third suspect.

American Indian Movement leaders criticized federal authorities for waiting so long to make an arrest in the death of Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash, a Mi'kmaq activist whose body was found on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in 1976.

Russell Means says the FBI is linked to Aquash's death, a charge the FBI denies. He believes other AIM members who were working as spies for the government ordered her murder.

Vernon Bellecourt refutes the allegations. But he too blames the federal government for taking nearly 30 years to act.

Aquash had been staying at a home in Denver, Colorado, when she went missing in late 1975. Her body turned up on the reservation in February 1976. She had a gunshot wound to the head, a fact initially overlooked by the first autopsy.

Arlo Looking Cloud, 49, was arrested in Colorado and has pleaded not guilty. A hearing today will be held to determine whether he will be ordered to South Dakota to face a first-degree murder charge.

Get the Story:
Second Man Sought in Slaying of Activist (AP 4/3)
Tribal members, leaders welcome arrest in Aquash case (AP 4/3)
Arrest in mid-70s slaying stirs Indian community (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 4/3)
27-year search ends in arrest (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 4/3)
Arrest seen as break in 27-year-old murder case (The Rapid City Journal 4/3)
From February 2000: A cry for justice (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 4/3)
Detective took cold case - and lit a fire under it (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 4/3)
Denver arrest may solve '76 killing (The Denver Post 4/3)

Relevant Links:
Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash Info -

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