
Senate Democrats, White House won't budge


Senate Democrats continued to filibuster one of President Bush's controversial appeals court nominees as the White House refused a request to make public government papers.

Miguel Estrada, nominated to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, has refused to answer questions about his views on legal issues. The White House said it won't release information about his earlier tenure at the Department of Justice, where he worked on cases that went before to the Supreme Court.

If confirmed, Estrada would sit on a court that hears a number of Indian-law related disputes with the federal agencies. The Cobell trust fund and other tribal trust litigation are in the D.C. Circuit.

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Deadlock Over Estrada Deepens (The Washington Post 2/13)
A Filibuster Resembling Those of Decades Past (The New York Times 2/13)
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Federal Judicial Nominees, DOJ -

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